Lunar Apothecary 12/12: Sagittarius New Moon @ 6:30pmET

Aimee Hanson
2 min readDec 29, 2023


I hope you’re enjoying a December to remember in a special way for you and your family.

I’ve been surrounded by what feels like an entire forest at work — garland everywhere! Very special.

12/12: Sagittarius New Moon

I’ve been go-go-going, just like everyone else, and while I have many good thoughts for this moon, Ima’ make it short and sweet this time around:

The New Moon is at 20 degrees in Sagittarius. Cast your chart to discover which house in your chart Sadge is in. Your “agenda” on this new moon is Sadge vibes and the house of this new moon is Sadge vibes. This sounds like:

I am .. or,

I call in .. or,

I see in my minds eye .. or,

Please show me the way to ..

That is what Sadge is: tuning into correct information.

So look up your chart and give some thought to what Sadge means for you. And when you’re ready, write your intentions. Think of what you want and flavor it with Sadge vibes.

Example of Sadge in the 9th: “I want to sing with a sweet voice that is channeled by my higher power, directly into my vocal chords, with ease & grace”

Example of Sadge in the 3rd: “Please show me the way to truth being more important than facts, in relation to the topic of expressing my authentic self, with ease and grace”

Thank you for joining in on another round of reality creation. I will see you for our next lunation — the Full Moon in Cancer on 12/26/23. xoA



Aimee Hanson

Writer and Visual Artist. Inspired by cosmic, poetic, romantic and heroic acts of courage.